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The GC West property is located approximately 135 meters west of the �GC� lepidolite Minfile occurrence (BC Minfile 082M 024). The GC occurrence is comprised of a coarse-grained, lepidolite-bearing (lithium mica) pegmatite dike hosted within a mica schist. These occur within a gneiss unit which trends from the GC occurrence onto Ashburton�s GC West property, according to historic reports (B.C. Assessment File # 1794). Since the historic work in 1968, no further exploration activity had been reported in the area until the adjacent property, host to the GC showing, was sampled in 2013.
The Boulder Property covers 18 unit claims totaling 904 acres (366 hectares), which now increases Ashburton�s land position to 1,457 acres (590 hectares), located approximately 14 kilometers W-NW of Revelstoke, BC, Canada. This new addition encompasses the �GC� lepidolite Minfile showing, which is comprised of a coarse-grained lepidolite-bearing (lithium mica) pegmatite dike hosted within a mica schist. Additionally, the GC showing is also prospective for gemstones.
The Boulder Property has seen only limited exploration activity. Sampling taken in 2013 returned values of >2000 ppm lithium (indicating the samples exceeded detection range) from two samples in the GC showing area (BC Assessment Report #34293). The property was also mapped in 1968 by G.A. Wilson (BC Assessment Report #1794), however the program was directed at copper, zinc, and molybdenum mineralization and no samples were assayed for lithium.Lepidolite mica is a uncommon mica and ore of lithium. It typically forms in granitic masses that contain high amounts of lithium. Lepidolite has been mined In Canada at the Tanco Mine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba. There is active research directed at more efficient processing of lepidolite ores by companies such as Cobre Montana NL of Australia.
Lithium has numerous industrial applications, in products such as heat-resistant glass and ceramics, lithium grease lubricants, and flux additives for iron, steel, and aluminium production. More recent and better-known applications of lithium are for use in battery applications as it has the highest electric output per unit weight of any battery material. Lithium-ion batteries are the default choice for most personal electronics and most electric cars today such incuding the Tesla cars. The advent of these new applications has resulted in rapid growth projections for the sector, along with high demand for new deposits.